Label Mix HomePage Using and Customizing Tables. How to...

Apart from navigating, inserting, editing, deleting, creating and using tables' data for designing your labels, database tables can also be customized to meet your individual preferences, set how the data in the table is displayed, hide or make columns visible, resize the column width, re-arrange the columns order of appearance, specify table background color, text and column title colors and fonts (setting options and preferences)

The following topics provide basic information about working with tables and customizing their visual properties.

using and customizing tables

How To Create a New Table

How To Add New Fields (Columns) to a Table

How to hide/show table columns

How to re-arrange columns order of appearance

How to resize column width

How to sort records in the table

How to Add record to the table
How to Edit record in the table

How to Delete records from the table

How to Export/Print records as table to office programs or as Labels

Other display properties of table you can set at run-time are accessible via table properties bar, located immediately above the table.

Label Mix Database window

Option name

Default Value


1. Graphic Field
2. Memo Field
3. Title Height
4. Title Gradient
5. Row Height
6. Word Wrap
1. Full (yes).
2. Full (yes).
3. 25pt.
4. No.
5. 70pt.
6. Checked (yes)
1. imgs/Picture (if exists in the record data) may be or not displayed for the record in the table. Possible values*
2. Memo (if exists in the record data) will be displayed for the record in the table.
3. Height of the table title.
4. If you want to use gradient color for the title background
5. Height of the table rows
6. Display content as multi-line text if characters count is more than column width. If wrap is No (unchecked), ellipsis will be displayed when text doesn't fit width of column

Additional options for Background color, Text font color, Text font size, Active cell color, Column title background color, Column title text font color, Column title text font size can be accessed via options and preferences page.